The Womenpreneur's Success Path Weekly Workshop!!
Each week we talk about the different aspects of the framework for growth. We will travel the Womenpreneur's Success Path.
Business Growth strategies -- from the foundations to marketing to sales to products and services....
We will be covering it all!!
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Fill out the form below to get reminders each week for the Weekly Workshop!
Learn how to Grow YOUR Business Without the Overwhelm
Don't try to figure this all out yourself!!
Move Into Action
Learn, grow and move into massive action for massive growth! Your business will most likely not just grow on it's own. You will have to Grow It!!
Once you confirm your email, I will set up access to the member's area and the Visionary Womenpreneur's Field Guide and the replays for the weekly workshops!!
My Most Important Roles
Absolute love
Donna Lynn Price has been working with business leaders since 2003 and Compass Rose Consulting has evolved from its beginnings as a leadership development resource to add marketing strategy and business growth as a focus. Donna is an extraordinary mentor and business coach. She has been helping people achieve their goals for the last 30+ years. Her passion is in seeing the moments that people create their own "aha's" and understanding. By gaining personal insight and ultimately movement to their dream and vision,
Donna is inspired and her life's passion is fulfilled. It's not enough to have a vision; you have to live the vision.