Thanks for grabbing time on my calendar!
I am excited to talk with you
Be sure to check your email for a confirmation email with links for a Zoom meeting.
If you don’t see it, check the spam folder, as we land there occasionally!!
Let me know if you have any questions.
If you are new to me and Compass Rose Consulting, LLC, welcome!!
You can grab my book: Launching Your Dreams: Making Wild Ideas Happen for free with the special code: dreamers
It’s a fun read and has some great business strategy within!!
But it also chronicles my bike ride across the United States!!
I also have a free business growth book called The Visionary Womenpreneur’s Field Guide
The Field Guide gives you the total framework I use in helping clients grow their businesses! It outlines the Four Pillars of Success as well as the eight business growth keys that we focus on. It outlines HOW to become a thriving business owner.
I look forward to connecting.