Where do YOU fit into your day? If you’re like most people, you’re pretty busy. You’re already dealing with work, relationships, and a whole lot of day-to-day actions. You’re running in every direction at once. How in the world are you supposed to fit self-care into a day like that? Thankfully, it’s easier than you…
Tag: selfcaretips
6 Self Care Tips Which Take a Minute
6 Self Care Tips which Take Less than a Minute to Perform “I don’t have time!” How often have you said those words when it came to self care? Oh, you know it’s good for you. But really, who has hours to spare just to take care of themselves? Quite simply, you do. In fact,…
4 Things You Can Do To Your Workspace to Encourage Self Care
Make Your Workspace — Welcome YOU!! What does your workspace say about you? Most people try to find ways to personalize the space where they work. While not every job allows for much in the way of personal touches, there are some things you can do to keep your workspace uniquely you. This lends itself…
Practicing Self Care: 5 Unique Ways
Get Started Practicing Self Care With These 5 Self Care Tips It’s a well-known fact we need to be practicing self care. But sometimes it seems a little boring. We do the same old things: exercising, eating great, trying to do nice things for ourselves but it never stops feeling selfish, nor does it seem…
6 Ways to Practice Self Care
How do you practice self care within your life — filled with relationships, friends, kids, family, work, business and all that goes with it?? Taking care of yourself should be a priority at every stage of your life. Creating a self care practice can help your relationships, your mental health, physical health and your overall…
5 Actions to Take To Create a Self Care Daily Practice
Add Self Care to Your Daily Practice Where does self care happen? If you think it stays solidly at home, you’re not alone. Most people would expect self care to be something which takes place after the workday is over. What if you considered self-care something which can happen anywhere? How would this change your…
6 Tips for Practicing Self Care Even When Times are Tough
Practicing Self Care Needs to Happen Even When It Is NOT Easy!! In today’s world, we can expect things to go wrong. Between worries about health, finances, family, and all those things we cannot control such as world events, it can be very difficult to practice self-care. It’s hard to think about ourselves when we…