Make Sure Your Project Does Not Get Derailed When we get derailed or experience a major setback or failure, it always takes us by surprise. Sure, the going was a little rough but we just didn’t see it coming. At least, that’s what we think. Getting derailed is serious. It could mean having to start…
Tag: accountability
How Accountability Is Key To Self-Discipline
Accountability is important if you want to succeed in disciplining yourself. If you’ve ever tried disciplining yourself on your own, you know just incredibly hard it can be. And it’s really no fun. You have no one to share your successes and rewards with, and over time, you may end up eschewing your goals altogether…
Improving Productivity With These Simple Tactics
Implement These 3 Productivity Hacks Today Productivity and efficiency are the popular buzz words lately as more and more business owners try to make the most of their time during a busy day. No matter how hard you try, you simply cannot do everything yourself when it comes to running your business. Investing in your…