Marketing Your Business is Challenging! But…. You Don’t Have to Market Alone! If you are marketing your business on your own, then you are probably working on a low budget or your business is too small to support large advertising campaigns. Even with larger budgets, people prefer to be cautious in these wild times of…
Category: Marketing Plan
Do You Have Clear Business Goals
Identifying Your Business Goals Before you get into marketing your business, you need to identify its business goals. Although we take for granted that a business’ goal is to increase revenue, that’s not the end of the story. There are many other types of goals companies strive to achieve. Product Creation Some businesses are driven…
3 Things Your Business and Marketing Plan Must Have
Businesses of every type need a business and marketing plan. Don’t think you can skip by on this important step because you offer a service instead of a physical product. Every business can benefit from a business plan. First Step, Focus. When you create a business and marketing plan you need to focus on the…
Successful Marketing With A Plan
How to Plan Your Marketing Successfully Marketing isn’t simple. To do it right, it requires a great deal of planning. Small businesses without massive marketing budgets have to handle this aspect of their business themselves and for many this is no easy task. This is why businesses create a marketing plan. A marketing plan is…
Making a Successful Marketing Plan
Making Marketing Work FOR Your Business is KEY Marketing isn’t simple. To do it right, it requires a great deal of planning. Small businesses without massive marketing budgets have to handle this aspect of their business themselves and for many this is no easy task. But creating a plan should not be neglected as the…
Do YOU Know the Marketing Keys?
The Marketing Keys to Success Key 1 – Do Your Research In marketing, hard data is everything. You can’t base your marketing on your gut feelings or assumptions you have about your market. These assumptions may not be accurate and, in fact, they could be completely wrong. This is why we conduct market research. Research…
Do YOU Have a Marketing Plan OR Are You JUST Winging It?
Are You Winging it? OR Do you have a solid marketing plan? Do you have a solid business plan? Marketing plan? Strategic plan? Or are you winging it and hoping? Creating a plan and sticking to it can improve your results. A plan becomes your blueprint for success. We most often see small businesses winging…